
GP Appointments

This allows you to discuss and manage an issue of concern. It would be suitable if you have already had a health review. However, if this is your first attendance, we will ask you to provide detail of your health background before you attend via a questionnaire. During the consultation, a private prescription will be offered, if appropriate, at no additional cost. The cost of the medication is paid to the dispensing pharmacy. If applicable, a referral letter to a third party may be provided at no additional cost. We will tell you the total cost of any test before you agree that we do it. Any further investigations or specialist referral will be within the independent sector and will be subject to additional cost.

GP appointment 30 minutes


GP appointment 45 minutes


GP appointment 60 minutes


Health Review

Starting with the information from your questionnaire we will consider all major body systems,
previous medical and family history and existing medication. You will be examined as appropriate.
Costs will vary as blood, urine, and other tests will be agreed which are appropriate for your age,
gender, and risk profile. A follow up appointment will explain and discuss the findings and provide
advice. This second appointment may be by video or telephone if you prefer. Allow an initial 45
minutes with 30 minutes for later discussion.

A summary report will be sent to you within the following two weeks for your record. Any referrals
for investigation or to a specialist will be charged in addition.

Health Review – two appointments &. investigations

  • 45 minutes (history & examination)
  • 30 minutes (results & discussion)
  • investigations which are age & gender appropriate
from £660



Women's Health

You will have plenty of time to talk. We aim for you to understand the cause of your problem. We
will discuss the options available with their various pros and cons and arrive at an agreed plan.
During the consultation, a private prescription will be offered, if appropriate, at no additional cost.
The cost of the medication is paid to the dispensing pharmacy. If applicable, a referral letter to a third party may be provided at no additional cost. Any further investigations or specialist referral will
be within the independent sector and will be subject to additional cost.

Initial women’s health


Women’s health follow-up (30 minutes)


Women’s health follow-up (45 minutes)


Intrauterine procedure e.g. coil fit (in addition to appointment) *

from £170

Estradiol Implant (two appointments – review and insertion) *


Cervical screening (in addition to appointment)

from £147
* The pharmaceutical cost of the device/implant is not included.

Occupational Health

The appointment will be a structured assessment to cover the issues relating to your employment. A report will be provided. Any additional services will need to be agreed with the person who commissions the assessment.

Indicative price

from £285

Additional Work

GP Appointments

We will charge you for our professional time if asked for additional work such as letters to third parties. Correspondence (letters, phone calls and emails), beyond quick queries for clarification, will be charged pro rata on a total time taken basis.

Health Review

The consultation fee includes the preparation of a report. We will tell you the total cost of any test before you agree that we do it. We will charge you for our professional time if asked for additional work such as referrals or letters to third parties. Correspondence (letters, phone calls and emails), beyond quick queries for clarification, will be charged pro rata on a total time taken basis.

Women's Health follow up appointments

We will tell you the total cost of any test before you agree that we do it. We will charge you for our professional time if asked for additional work such as letters to third parties. Correspondence (letters, phone calls and emails), beyond quick queries for clarification, will be charged pro rata on a total time taken basis.

Repeat Prescriptions

Pricing covers the doctors time to check and process the request. This does not cover the cost of the medication which will be charged by the pharmacy. We ask for requests in writing (email). Please tell us if the prescription should be posted to you or sent to Pharmacierge. They provide a service to dispense and dispatch private prescriptions directly to patients.

Time charge per hour pro rata


Referral to a specialist

from £40

Referral for investigation/imaging

from £35

Results analysis (where separate from an appointment)

from £30

Repeat prescription


Prices are the same whether conducted in person (face to face), by video or on the telephone.

We reserve the right to change prices without prior notice but will endeavour to give notice whenever possible.